Sunday, June 12, 2005

My Wife is a Bad Influence

Let the record show... Michele got back from her sisters and was in the house about 15 minutes before the TV got switched on. I'm starting to think she's a pretty bad influence to have around! I can't even hang out with her downstairs because I'll be tempted to watch TV.

I can see now, one of the things I need to do is come up with a list of non-TV activities her and I can do together. If anyone has any ideas, leave a comment. Oh, and keep it clean -- I already have those activities figured out! ;-)


orangesoup said...

I never had T.V. when growing up then I did for 9 years, then I did not for 4. You seem to get so much done, and undo the mush that becomes ones brain. You stop talking when there is demon T.V. How about card games or scrabble or monopoly? You can garden together (the gardening show) get a book for you both to garden, or you take up mosaic-ing or somehthing while she gardens.....building puzzles, talking, walking, sitting in the garden, crosswords, quizzes, listening to music...the list grows

Unknown said...

Excellent point! We really do stop talking when the TV is on. And if the kids try to ask us something, we tend to give them the big SHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Hey, my wife bought me a huge puzzle last Christmas and I haven't even opened the box. I guess it's time to break that puppy out. Thanks for the suggestions!