My sister gave me a little crapola today because I haven't posted any updates in 2 days. Geez, a guy has to sleep ya' know!
Anyway, I suppose I'm on day 13 now and, I'm still TV free! In fact, it's getting noticeably easier, but I'm still not doing enough important stuff from my task list. When I'm bored, I find myself getting on the computer, or just laying in bed and staring at the ceiling. I guess "stir crazy" would be a good descriptive phrase for what I've been experiencing. I even stopped reading my stock market books and started reading about adult A.D.D. I'm pretty much convinced I have it.
The last couple days have been pretty busy anyway. After Father's Day, I actually took a personal day from work because of some stuff I needed to take care of. I would tell you about it, but it was, well...personal. :-) Last night, we drove up to the lake again and finally found a small empty lot we've decided to make an offer on. After work tonight, we figured up our initial expenses, our new monthly expenses compared to our current monthly expenses. It was pretty much a no-brainer, so we called the realtor to make an offer. Unfortunately she wasn't home so we're waiting on a call back. If all goes well, we'll be moving our manufactured home to a nice lot about 200 feet from Devil's Lake in Michigan by the end of next month. Several "shacks" in the area are getting $700-$1000 per week in rental fees, so we should do quite well with a brand new (well, 2002) 4-bedroom manufactured home sitting up there.
As far as the boob-tube goes, I've been doing a great job of avoiding it, but I'm no longer spending much time in the same room with my wife. We ordered pizza tonight and I decided to sit in the family room with her while we ate. She, of course, watched TV while I glanced around the room or stared outside. Ok, I admit, the TV caught my eye about a half dozen times, but for no more than a second each time. I tried talking to Michele, but she was more concerned with the blinky flashy lights emanating from the idiot box. She even "Shhhh'd" me once and turned up the TV!
The more I'm able to observe her watching the tube, the more I'm convinced it is truly a sickness and a VERY powerful addiction. She's actually sitting there for hours upon hours passively watching someone else's life wiz by. It doesn't matter if it's a fantasy life on some sitcom, or the depressing real life of someone on a newscast. I guess it's all fantasy when you aren't living your own life. That was me just 13 days ago!!
That's all I have for fingers hurt. :-(
You may wish to lure her out of the family room and have her get some fresh air. That way you'll be getting the quality time you want with her and you'll also be avoiding any temptation.
Topics of conversation may include:
- How are the kids doing in school
- Why you are going on the TV fast.
- Planning a day out
- Any books you may have read
- How much you love her.
Remember, you are in a partnership.
Baby steps Vikar...that's all I can ask for.
Michele has been watching slightly less TV lately which is really a breakthrough! The other night, we spent the ENTIRE evening talking and listening to CD's on the stereo while she worked around the house and I worked on my laptop.
Thanks for the suggestions on conversation topics. We have been talking about many of these things already, and I'm trying to keep that momentum going. She's also taken a bit of an interest in my blog, so maybe she's a little more aware of her TV problem than she was before.
We'll see how it goes over the next few weeks and I'll definitely be posting the progress here.
I have been TV free for 7 years. It is easy to do. Just cancel the cable bill (or satellite bill) and VOILA! For me, it was even easier because I cannot get any channels at all without a cable connection.
For the record, before this 7 year TV free era, I also went 3 years. Then I moved back in with my mom for 2 years and watched a little here and there when I was bored (but it bored me to death even more...LOL). Then I moved out agian and here I am 7 years running and 10 years total.
TV sucks. However, I must tell you that I no longer have anything to talk about with the general public (and I never was much into sports). I don't know of the latest trends until they are on their way out so people look at me like I'm some sort of weirdo and I can no longer get a date to save my life. I am 35 and very lonely. TV rules so many people's lives that if it does not rule yours, you are considered and outcast in society.
So as you can see, TV-free has it's disadvantages. I think I will probably sign up for the basic cable package soon. I'm getting sick and tired of being lonely and tagged as a weirdo. hte ladies do not like creeps and weirdos nor does the general public.
>The more I'm able to observe her watching the tube, the more I'm convinced it is truly a sickness and a VERY powerful addiction.
I agree, Dave. The sad thing is that I've known it for years, but knowing wasn't enough to make me change. (I guess that would be a good working definition for any addiction.)
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