Check these out... (click any picture for a larger view)

Can you believe that mess?!?! How do you suppose I can find anything in there??
Oh, news flash -- I CAN'T!!! :-(
The boxes you see sitting on the floor contain paperwork I've been moving from house to house for several years now. And there are at least three more boxes in the closet which you can't see in these pics. If you ask me, that pretty much defines insanity!
Like I said, I'm working on it now, and I'll post the "after" pictures in a few days. I would've never got around to doing this if I was still watching television.
I don't think the before pictures look that bad ... what's that tell you about me? ;o)
HAHA - maybe you should post some of your before pictures!
I'm enjoying all the comments you've posted. Thanks for contributing!
There's more where that came from ... I'm blogging too: TV Addicts Anonymous
BTW, your before-and-afters have inspired me, and I may post some of my own. I'm thinking about rearranging my living room so that my TV is no longer its focal point, and moving my videotapes and DVDs to less prominent spots. As the TV says, stay tuned ... :o)
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