This originally came from the Kill Your Television website, but I'm re-posting it here for everyone's benefit:
Test Your TV Addiction -- A Non-Scientific Quiz
Please try to answer honestly!
1.) I eat meals while watching TV.
a. Just about every meal
b. Sometimes
c. Occasionally (ed: er .. what's the difference between 'sometimes' and 'never'?)
d. Never
2.) When forced to miss a favorite TV show in order to spend time with friends or family, I would usually:
a. Find a way out of the social engagement
b. Suggest that the entire group watch the show together
c. Reluctantly agree to miss the show
d. Not be at all bothered by missing the show
3.) Without looking at a TV guide, I am sure of the channel and starting time for (not counting news programs)
a. 10 or more shows
b. 5-9 shows
c. 2-4 shows
d. 0-1 show
4.) I get irritated with others for being too loud or otherwise disturbing me while I'm watching TV
a. Frequently
b. Sometimes
c. Occasionally
d. Never/rarely
5.) In order to make me give up TV entirely for a year, somebody would have to pay me
a. A million dollars or more
b. Five thousand dollars
c. Five hundred dollars
d. Nothing - I'd do it for free
Scoring: For every "a" give yourself 4 points, 3 points for a "b", 2 for a "c", 1 for a "d"
16-20 - You're going to die a TV-related death.
11-15 - Not quite as bad, but turn off "The Bachelor" already.
9-10 - Still not great -- I bet you're unwilling to give up "Will and Grace," huh?
6-8 - You're getting there, but you still have to deal with your unshakable crush on Peter Jennings.
5 - Nice work. Now don't be one of those people who brags about it in every conversation.
My score: If I were to answer these based on my life before this personal TV-turnoff campaign of mine, I would have to say I'm definitely going to die a TV related death! As far as giving up TV (question #5), last month it would have cost you a million dollars, but today I guess I'm doing it for free. And I gotta tell you, it's worth every penny!
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