Monday, August 21, 2006

A New Weapon in the War Against TV

OK, this is a beautiful thing! After my last post, I kept surfing around for more anti-TV stuff to get me motivated. Luckily I found this HILARIOUS article about a TV vigilante in New York who goes around turning off TV's in stores, bars, or wherever he happens to find them!

How does he do it without getting busted? With the TV-B-Gone Universal TV Remote Control of course!

How awesome is that? I'm thinking I could have a blast with one of these little devices. Imagine the confusion and bewilderment as TV's start randomly turning off in department stores, bars, restaurants, homes, etc.

You can read the TV vigilante article here, but then how about going to get your own TV-B-Gone and join the fight against MIND SEWAGE!

TV is McDonaldizing our perspectives, knowledge, tastes and desires!

I've been failing miserably at my latest Anti-TV campaign. My goal, when I started this blog, was to eliminate TV from my life. That hasn't quite happened yet, but I won't quit trying until I'm 100% TV free.

I quit smoking cold-turkey over 15 years ago, so I'm not about to believe that the boob-tube is a stronger addictive force than nicotine! If I kicked the cigs and never went back, I can certainly beat this TV thing!

Anyway, after spending almost 10 hours today in front of the television (no, I'm not kidding), I decided it was time for a little anti-TV motivation. I asked my wife if she ever felt guilty wasting so much time in front of the tube doing absolutely nothing. Her answer, not surprisingly, was "NO." She feels that she works hard, so when she has the opportunity to relax, she takes it.

I question whether having your ass plopped in front of the TV for 10+ hours is really the best way for anyone to relax, but it's almost pointless trying to reason with her.

Anyway, after a little Googling for new anti-TV info, I came across an interesting website. Oddly enough, it's a Islamic site and most of the stuff I read is directed as Muslims. Personally, I think we're all equal in the eyes of the evil TV gods, so feel free to substitute in whatever religion you are as you read. :-)

In addition to this article, they have a whole series called the "UnTV Guide". I love it!

So here's an excerpt from the first article I landed on which was titled, "Television and You"...

Night after night, we sit for long hours in dark rooms. Identical images flow into our brains, McDonaldizing our perspectives, knowledge, tastes, desires.

We spend more hours watching nature shows than experiencing the real thing; more time laughing at TV jokes than making jokes ourselves; more time experiencing TV sports than actually picking a ball in our hands.

Halal and haram are lost when eyes are mesmerized, fixed on that 19" piece of furniture.

Our brains are targeted at the rate of 3,000 marketing messages per day -- twelve billion display ads, three million radio ads and over 300,000 TV commercials toxins are dumped on us. Our attention spans are diminishing, our imaginations giving out, we are unable to remember the past.

While competing for the best of this world, we once in a while recall about the everlasting life. But that moment doesn't last very long. It is washed away pretty fast as we willingly set down for another session with the thing.

Continue reading here...

I don't know about you, but I thought that was pretty powerful! The whole reference to McDonald's was perfect too because I just watched "Super Size Me" again with my parents yesterday. Maybe someday, when I get the TV monkey off my back, I'll start an anti-fast-food blog.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

8 Changes I Experienced After Giving Up TV

Steve Pavlina is apparently doing a WHOLE lot better than I am at avoiding the idiot box. A couple weeks ago, he published this article about the 8 Changes he Experienced After Giving Up TV.

This is a great article and should provide some motivation by realizing how much of a time and energy leech the tube really is.