It's not perfect, but I'll take it! Here are the long awaited pictures of my office after the
I-can't-watch-TV-so-maybe-I'll-organize-something bug bit me.

There's definitely more to do, but it's a great start. My bookshelves need some serious help. I plan on
eBay'ing all the books and manuals I no longer use or want. The printer you see sitting on the floor should be up on
eBay sometime this weekend too.
If you look at the right side of my desk (in the above pics) you can see a couple of stackable trays. Out of the entire mess that used to be on my desk and around the office, that's all I have left to process. Well, OK... I lied just a bit. There is one box left in my closet which contains the remains of all my sorting and purging. It's not stuff I really care about now, but it is stuff I need to file away for reference/archive purposes.
Here's a brief reminder of what my desk looked like just two days ago:

I vow, right here before God and all my Anti-TV peeps, I will continue to collect, process, and purge all my "stuff" until only the important "stuff" is left.
Now here's the biggie (for me anyway)... I'm also going to get my personal financial information back up-to-date in the computer, starting at January of this year.
Back in the day, I used to keep my info (bank, credit, and investment records) up to date in Quicken like it was a religion or something. It felt really good to be in total control and know exactly where we stood financially at a moments notice.
Today, I have a pretty good idea, but I'm not in control like I used to be. I miss that. It's also hypocritical of me to preach to others about
matters of money when I myself have managed to get slightly off track recently. Hey, I blame it on the TV!
So this year, I've decided to dump Quicken and make the big switch to
Microsoft Money 2005. I spent some time playing around with
Money 2005 and it's a HUGE improvement over past versions. Where they were lacking in past versions, there are now several great reasons to switch.
I'm rambling about things you probably don't care about, so I think I'll sign off for the night and get some sleep.